I’m not a photographer, but my phone has a pretty decent camera. And smartphones offer a wealth of opportunities to manipulate whatever I happen to snap. I’ve collected a few shots here that appeal to me.
Lichfield cathedral
Lichfield cathedral is a little over ½ km from my house as the crow files. There’s a good view from the bedroom window (from where some of these shots were taken), and it’s just 10 minutes away on foot. These pictures (some filtered, some not) were taken from autumn 2018 onwards.
An unusually bright rainbow. The symbolism is obvious. No filter; no PhotoShop.
Cathedral – south side
The south side of the cathedral, using a basic splash filter.
Cathedral – front
Obviously some kind of filter, just to create a nice rosy sky. The original was a dull grey.
Cathedral – sunshine
Untouched view facing the morning sun.
Spires in the mist
A light autumnal mist.
Cathedral – east
Unaltered view from the east end of Cathedral Close.
I wasn’t feeling gloomy – just liked the composition.
Stowe Pool
A late autumn view across Stowe Pool.
Heavily filtered to create a doom-laden image. Also taken from the far side of Stowe Pool.
Clear skies at sunset in January.